30 November 2008

Website not Performing as it Should? Ask These 7 Questions to Find Out Why

In preparing to design and write my new website, I visited hundreds of other sites to get a feel for what I did/did not want.

For example, "squeeze pages" are all the rage these days. You know, those pages which require you to enter your name and email just to get a peek at the actual website (or you can check the always-too-tiny "enter site" button to skip the squeeze page).

I've decided, at least for now, not to have a squeeze page, but fully understand why you would want one (it strongly encourages, we won't say "forces", people to get on your mailing list in order to see your website).

Regardless of whether or not you choose to incorporate a squeeze page on your site, here's a list of the top 7 questions you need to ask your website in order to determine if it's performing as well as it could.

1. What problem(s) do you solve and what result (s) can I expect?

Your website must focus on the results, not the benefits that you offer -- your prospects want to know how you can help them solve their problems. Include results-based testimonials sprinkled throughout your site if possible.

2. Do you offer an email newsletter or "tip-zine"?

If you offer an email newsletter, be sure to have your sign-up box with privacy policy on every page and on the "top" screen (in the event your readers need to scroll down to read your full page).

3. Is your site "clean"?

By "clean", I mean is the text easy to read without TOO much formatting? Do all your links work? Are your navigation buttons easy to find and understandable? Is your site free of typos?

4. Is your contact information easy to find?

I recommend putting your contact information on the bottom of every page -- you want it to be easy for your readers to find you if they have a question. Do this even if you have a "Contact Us" page.

5. Is your domain name intuitive?

When it comes to domain names (your URL, what people type when going to your site), it's more important to be intuitive than to be cute. You could have the cutest name in the world and it means nothing if people don't "get it" and visit your site. Keep it simple.


In addition to your email newsletter or tip-zine, what do you offer your readers? What's In It For Me (WIIFM) as a reader of your site? Do you share a no cost special report, audio tips, e-course? Give your readers the chance to get to know you through your giveaway item.

Note: You should still get your email newsletter up and running even if you don't currently have a giveaway item -- you can add that afterwards.

7. Do you have a picture?

If you are a solopreneur (single, small business owner) and you want to generate leads or sell products through the internet, it helps to have your picture either on your site or in your email newsletter/tip-zine.

When working "virtually", your readers will come to know and trust you through the words that you write. It helps for them to have a picture to connect to -- as people, we like to do business with people, not with faceless companies.

These are just a few strategies to insure that you have a client attractive website which enhances your online presence.

An Assignment For You. . .

Your assignment for this week is to take a hard look at your website and see if it measures up. Forget all the work you've put into it, forget that your best friend helped you put it together and look at it as a prospective client who wants to know more about your business would.

By Sandra P. Martini

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